30 Before 30


I’ve seen a handful of blogs in the past about different goals or experiences one would want to have before a certain age and I always loved the idea. I’m a firm believer that manifesting what you want is a great way to keep you on track with your goals as well as holding yourself accountable on a daily basis. You can do this for either personal ambitions, professional ambitions, or just a little passion project of your own. I decided to make my own list before I was 30 years old. I found this especially interesting as this will be the first time I’m sharing a list like this in public! Just remember that if you make your own list, there are NO wrong goals. You may copy goals that you’ve seen online, from your friends, or even something on Pinterest. If it’s something that sets your soul on fire, go for it! 

  1. *Plan a trip to Thailand* This has actually been such a long term goal for years now. Everytime I think it’s happening, the plans fall through but I’m determined to make it happen!

  2. *Get the family together for a vacation* It may seem a little basic but with conflicting schedules, it’s harder than it seems. It would be great to relax on a beach with a few margaritas and the family. 

  3. *Take a photography course* You might wonder why a photographer would want to take a photography course but I find different perspectives pretty interesting and you can always learn a new secret when it comes to shooting!

  4. *Break a world record* Oddly enough, I have a pretty bizarre skill that I’ve been practicing that just may get me into the books but I think I’ll save these details for a separate blog post. 

  5. *Compete in a physique competition* So I currently work part-time at a gym that works great with my schedule! I also love the atmosphere here as it keeps me pretty motivated. A few of my friends compete and it’s great to see their daily progress!

  6. *Buy a home* This goal is definitely going to be a tough one but I’m determined to have my own space soon! Kitchen appliances make me too excited at times!

  7. *Be featured in a magazine* As a new writer, I think it would be awesome to have one of my pieces featured in a magazine. It doesn’t have to be anything big but it’ll be cool to see something on a non-digital platform. 

  8. *Learn to play the guitar* As a creative, I was always pretty jealous of my friends who were able to play an instrument. I’d love to attempt to express myself with something other than my camera. 

  9. *Crush a Martha’s Vineyard trip* I constantly hear about how beautiful it is here. It’s actually been a pretty particular goal of mine. I’m a huge wine guy as well and there’s over 50 vineyards in the area alone!

  10. *Have a no phone weekend* This would be pretty impossible being in my field but I’d love to disconnect myself for a long weekend (excluding work responsibilities)

  11. *Master a family recipe* Family traditions are pretty important to me. I always pictured an old school family recipe that the family could look forward to every year. 

  12. *Learn a language* Being Puerto Rican, there’s nothing cooler than communicating with my family members whose first language isn’t English. This may be a tough one but I’m ready for the challenge!

  13. *Plan a surprise party for one of my friends* I love surprises and I love seeing surprise reactions from others even more. What better way to show your friend how much you care, right?

  14. *Learn Yoga & Meditation techniques* It doesn’t matter who you are. Every single person suffers from stress in some capacity. It would be great to take up yoga to help get through those stressful moments .

  15. *Do something that scares the sh$t out of me* I’m still not sure what this will be yet but I want this crossed off soon!

  16. *Invest in something* Whether it’s in stocks, real-estate, or something of that nature, I’d love to see something grow on a financial standpoint. 

  17. *Get a tattoo* This one may be silly to some but I’m not talking about an ordinary tattoo just for the sake of getting one. This has been an ongoing goal for years now. I want something that will mean the world to me. 

  18. *Travel by myself* We should all be comfortable with being uncomfortable. This is such a great way to push myself on many different levels. 

  19. *Start my dream job* This goal is currently in the making. As scary as this is, I’m one step closer each and every day. 

  20. *Relinquish a burned bridge* This may be the toughest goal yet but I think something like this really speaks volumes in regards to one's character. You may not realize how much weight is on your shoulders even if you haven’t spoken to that person in years.

  21. *Volunteer* As my little passion project of a blog continues to grow, I would love to put my efforts into something where I have the opportunity to give back. 

  22. *Something nice x 30* I’d like to complete 30 random acts of kindness. It may seem like 30 isn't a lot with a two year limit but nonetheless, it's a great goal!

  23. *Quit a bad habit* Now, this doesn’t have to be something in a literal sense but it could be something as being hard-headed, going to bed late, or even eating too much junk food.

  24. *Read ALL of the Harry Potter books* I’m the guy who says he adores Harry Potter until someone asks if I read the books. This is always such an awkward conversation. 

  25. *Stop saying sorry for being me* This one is a little on the deep side but it's pretty important. I consider myself the black sheep out of my friends and I think it’s time to embrace the weird! 

  26. *Help Mom out* Being the son of a single parent, I’m well aware of how important my mother is. It would be great to help her out with some of her own long-term goals and I don’t mean taking out the trash or feeding the dogs!

  27. *Spend Christmas in another country* This one has been a little difficult because the guilt typically sets in when I don’t see the family but it would be so darn cool to experience how other cultures celebrate Christmas! 

  28. *See my favorite band perform* I’ll admit it, Dirty Heads are my all-time favorite band and I want front row seats to see them perform with my closest friends. 

  29. *Get a French Bulldog and adopt a dog from a shelter* Since I was a kid, I always wanted a French Bulldog but I’d want to adopt a dog from a shelter as well. The little Frenchie needs a friend and I believe that we all need to adopt! 

  30. *Have the most epic 30th birthday party ever* I couldn’t think of a better goal to complete. To celebrate the wins and losses with everyone who helped me through the years! 

HealthPeter Valcarcel